Free and Open source — Why only Software?
When I chose my specialization in undergrad (Engineering) — The following was my thought process:
“Mechanical engineering is an evolved subject. Everything has a reference book (strength of materials, ratios to be followed for design etc).
Computer science is still evolving. New languages come every 2 years — Java had just been out. How long you will have to keep learning new things?
So — Mechanical it is.”
Life laughs with ironies.
Though relatively young, it is amazing to see the number of paradigms that are evolving in computing science.
One that has created profound influence is — The free and open source software.
Professionals (who are really accomplished) — write free code for others to use.
From small libraries to operating systems there are tons of free (with source) stuff available.
Newbies can learn from it.
Good ones can contribute to it.
Others can use it.
As a amateur in some fields — Food production, Earth based construction, Design — I find the lack of equivalent of “free open source content” are not present.
Does this reflect on the professionals?
or the profession?
Originally published at