Creator’s Curse — The Cure
“Why do you go to work, why not mama”? Titli
“some answer”
“Why?” Titli
“Some answer ..”
“Why?” Titli
“For a restaurant it is good if they turn tables fast in a evening” — Rajesh
“What is ‘turning tables’” — Girish
“Some answer”
“Why is it good?” — Girish
“Some answer”
“Is it true for all restaurants?” — Girish
“Some answer”
Here lies the answer for the “Creator’s curse”.
When a question is asked about a thing that we have created mostly we do NOT here the question being asked.
We hear it as “blah blah? You have not considered it? I just found that gap. What the heck you were thinking?”
or some variation of it.
If you have an inherent curious nature — You will probe more.
You will ask questions to understand more.
You will try to understand.
But that is hard.
Our instinct plays it part hard esp. when we are presenting to audience.
So here is a simple trick.
Always have a note book and pen when you are presenting.
When someone asks a question — Write it down.
(This helps to increase your response time. It cuts your instinct to add unnecessary addition to the actual question being asked. It helps to get clarity about the question. )
If you are not able to note it down clearly ask only questions that help you to note it down well.
Repeat the noted question to the person who asked it.
Thank the person.
Follow up later (if that is possible else respond now).
I am going to call it “Child like curiosity”. (for obvious reasons)
Either have it.
or fake it.
It is a perfect Anti- Dote.
Originally published at