Weathering the market stormLike all investment related articles, please note that what follows is my personal investment strategy and an account of how I am…Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Regulatory considerations in Selling a SaaS startup from IndiaQuick background: I am one of the founders of Girish Redekar, Raj Sheth and I started Recruiterbox around 2011 and…Jan 9, 20201Jan 9, 20201
Published inSaaSBoomi — The World’s Only Pay-it-forward Community of SaaS FoundersIndia / US company structure for SaaS companies based in India[Based on a recent round table facilitated by Chintan @ CXOconnect I added some edits]Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020
Webpack tidbit [1]When a project is build using webpack, dynamically requiring a JS module from another JS module may not work.Nov 9, 2018Nov 9, 2018
Loosing the fat in Product developmentWhile building products there is a lot of fat that gets added along the way. The crude hand drawn illustration below describes the kinds of…Jun 25, 2018Jun 25, 2018
Company as a Family vs TeamIn the process of building Recruiterbox, I was fortunate to have worked with some of the best people in the country.Jun 21, 2018Jun 21, 2018
Clojure learning journey — the beginning.It’s been a couple of weeks since I started learning Clojure. I am going to write about my learnings through the journey. Needless to say…Mar 24, 2018Mar 24, 2018
Published ininside-recruiterboxConstant time CI with CodeBuildAt recruiterbox, we try to practice test driven development — our test coverage is above 80%. We have a mix of unit tests, integration…Jul 18, 2017Jul 18, 2017
Your very own hammer of Thor…Each of us have a unique way of solving problems. However, I think there is a pattern to how we go about it.Mar 29, 2016Mar 29, 2016
Fighting your own nature to design better…In india, there are bazaars where you can buy vegetables, fruits etc. Many of my friends and I avoid going to these bazaars because buying…Mar 22, 2016Mar 22, 2016